The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior He will stir up His zeal; with a shout He shall prevail against His enemies. Isaiah 42:13

What a privilege to be a nephew to my late Uncle, Fred Carvalho.  He lived not only as my favorite uncle, but as a true friend, and wonderful father-figure.  When the word Champion is used – his picture immediately comes to my mind.  His life of confidence, discipline, mental strength, work ethic, sacrifice, courage, faithfulness, and physical giftedness separated him from just any champion to being My Champion.    

His recent passing reminded me of a powerful life lesson that time and events are never the same.  A goodbye to a loved one at an airport, for example, demands a far more serious focus than some casual send off. 

That brings me to the last couple of days before my special uncle and father figure, Fred Carvalho passed on.  Knowing his time for living was short, my message to him on his next to last day on earth was… “Hi Uncle Fred, I’m glad to get to see you. You are my champion.  You were yesterday and you are today.  I love you, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”  My natural heart cries at this time, because for my Champion Uncle Fred, an earthly tomorrow never came. 

Today’s message of hope points upward to the King of kings, Lord of lords and Champion of champions, Jesus Christ; who I believe my Uncle made peace with before he died.  No human, including you, me or my dear Uncle Fred have the credentials of the World’s greatest Champion, the One with the Loving Heart that never fails.  Because of His sacrifice on the Cross, overcoming sin, death, and the works of evil, we have the opportunity to celebrate the hope that I will see my Uncle Fred in God’s idea of tomorrow – not on earth but where all His devoted Champions meet — in Heaven!

Deut 7:6; Hebrews 2:14-16; John 14:1-2; Romans 8:37; 1 Cor 15; Luke 10:19