Business Reminder

And Jesus said to them, how is it that you sought me? Didn’t you know I must be about my Father’s business? Luke 2:49

We know that without air, water, or food it’s only a matter of time before our life would also come to an end. Even with a flow of fresh air, and abundance of water and food, a wholesome lifestyle remains as an incredible challenge. Among many other critical necessities, we all need cheer leading and wisdom to help us fight the good fight along the way. In that truth and in the spirit of humility, we believe this Message of Hope service exists to make a positive contribution.

We also recognize that any personal experience, emotional appeal, or high level thought on our part regarding anything hopeful would have a limited affect and soon fizzle. So where do we purpose to go for a credible blueprint; a fail-safe source that has an inherent cheer leading, wisdom, and a persevering influence? We choose to go to what some have called the Ultimate Owner’s manual….The Bible!!

The promise remains that our Messages of Hope will always rely upon what God says: Take this awesome scripture in Psalm 71: (14-15) as today’s example: “But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure.”

Family and friends, in reflection, we find ourselves concluding that the value of this effort is priceless because, like Jesus, we are about our Father’s business too. How’s that for a Message of Hope and the persevering influence to continue?

Acts 11:23; Jer 29:11; Prov 19:21