You did not choose Me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit–fruit that will remain–so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you. John 15:16

A testimony is a solemn written or verbal statement made for the purpose of establishing a fact. There is any number of testimonies available to man.  In today’s message, let’s focus on one in particular found in Psalm 19:7. It says, “the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” Now that is a testimony with power! Not only that, this clear declaration is profoundly influential to the credibility of every Christian’s testimony.

Through faith, we are able to receive the same Spiritual power that worked through Jesus to be a witness of God’s kingdom. Taking it a step further, as Christians, we believe the very Spirit of Jesus indwells us. As a result, we are blessed with the potential for fail-safe boundaries, developing encouragement, and experiencing the loving passion Jesus had for His Father and for people in general.

Our new nature sees us consistently committed to following Jesus Christ. In doing so, we pray and ask God to lead us and guide us in accepting His call, keeping things in perspective, being courageous, keeping our eye on the Lord, living right before God, disciplining ourselves and walking by faith. In a way, and in these perilous times we are commissioned to run in a Kingdom of God relay race, handing the baton to the next runner.

We become more than a talker or runner in Christ when we heed the testimony of Psalm 19:7. We mature and grow into effective godly communicators and leaders—people of restoring action just waiting to happen. We display an overcoming attitude in life’s trials and tribulations, pointing to Jesus and the redeeming Spiritual power of the blood He shed for us at the cross. We become a credible witness that Jesus lives in us and has changed our lives; that our new victorious life is safely in His hands!

In God’s practical and productive way, we labor as a planter of His Word or seed. Much fruit will remain from our effort because we were chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit that lasts. It is God who now lives within us both to will and do His good pleasure. Such causes us to become real witnesses for His Kingdom.

Where we once were of a dark and sinful nature, our renewed thoughts, careful words, and appropriate deeds now testify to His redeeming light. This transformation provides for our loving testimony and is nothing short of a miracle!

Acts 1:8; Romans 1:11; Matt 28:19; John 17:16,18; I Peter 3:15; Rev 12:11

** Inspired by 35 Days of Spiritual Personal Training, Rock Church & World Outreach Center 2007