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Salvation is not turning over a new leaf but receiving a new life. Our Daily Bread

A friend sends me periodic e-mails, and every one of them has this weighty nugget at the end: “A good perspective, everyone should have one.”  If you are attracted to the wholesomeness of that e-mail ending, then follow me as I exercise my right to share a valid and sound viewing of the upcoming Christian celebration called Resurrection Sunday or more familiarly labeled, Easter.

For me, the focus of Easter is not in the distracting secular influences of eggs, bunnies, or pagan rituals.  The direct site to see is the Cross and what truly transpired there over 2,000 years ago.  From a man’s perspective, including mine for over 50 years, the Cross makes little or no sense whatsoever.  Where is the miracle or cause for celebration with blood, guts, thorns, people yelling, and a fanatic trying to dupe people into believing the latest religious lunacy?  With that as the legitimate alternative, give me painted eggs, bunnies, or Ostara, Goddess of Spring and the Dawn (Oestre/Eastre) any day.

A little over twenty-five years ago, however, as I was standing in front of the Pacific Ocean, my perspective changed completely.  It was there that I met the One who hung on that Cross and who I am privileged to celebrate every day, this Easter included.  His name is Jesus Christ and He touched my heart in such a penetrating way that I was fully persuaded that He was real.  That experience ended any inner doubt that He so loved me that my sins and salvation were on His mind when he sacrificed Himself on that Cross.

Just as the Bible predicts, from that time to now, the shade cover of my previous view has lifted steadily.  I have come to know more intimately this God who overcame sin, the grave, the devil and death. Jesus Christ is indeed alive and His Spirit lives in me. It’s His or God’s Holy Spirited perspective, not mine, that truly matters to me now.  I believe His Biblical Word transcends mere perspective to His dimension or nature called truth.  In fact, Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life and that no one could come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

By faith, I hold that Jesus Christ died for me personally, He physically rose from the dead (unlike anyone ever), to live again and to live specifically and spiritually in me.  What ownership of dynamic faith and hope, and what joy that brings! The lover of my soul pursued me to the ends of this country to bless me with His gracious gift of an eternal relationship; a personal encounter far more than amazing!

So family and friends, stand right where you are and delight in your opportunity to receive His Godly perspective. After all, He is risen for that very purpose! Happy Resurrection Sunday or if you prefer, Happy Easter!

 Luke 24:46-47; 1 Cor 15:16-20; Romans 4:23-25; Romans 8:33-35; Acts 2:23-24; Acts 13:30-35

**** Pictured is our dear friend, Luann Pezzullo, standing in front of an empty tomb in Jerusalem back in 2004.