Be Aware

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Cor 2:9

When I was younger, a comedian that captured my attention was George Carlin.  He was clever in his ability to use words and language skills to make a funny point. One of his skits was about being in the presence of a slick salesman who went on and on in building the wonders of his product. Carlin said he stood there nodding his head in agreement until finally he caught the guy in an obvious deception.  At that point it all seemed worth it because he got to stick his finger in the salesman’s face and say (I’m paraphrasing here to keep this family friendly) ….“THERE IT IS, YOU’RE FULL OF BOLOGNA!” 

Some time ago, I felt a little like George Carlin when I picked up a real estate dictionary, and was reading meanings alphabetically, starting from AAA tenant through to abatement and other terms like accessory buildings, acreage and so on.  I found myself nodding in approval like Mr. Carlin, until I got to Act of God.  The meaning in this dictionary stated that an Act of God was damage caused by nature (floods, winds, etc) rather than people. My inner man suddenly came alive to boldly declare, ”THERE IT IS, YOU’RE FULL OF BOLOGNA!”     

This deception is obvious if we are familiar with what God’s dictionary or His Word says about His sinless nature. The Bible says that God is Love, Perfection, Holy, our Builder, our Creator, our Teacher, our Counselor, our King, our Friend, our Father, our Healer, and a myriad of other hopeful attributes.  In John 10:10, Jesus said there is a dividing line between the spiritual influences of this world.  He said, “The thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill, and to destroy and that He (Almighty God) comes to bring life and bring it more abundantly. The Bible also points out in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that the “god” of this fallen world is Satan, the blinder of truth.  As we look around, the “god” of this world is running rampant in his mission of stealing, killing, and destroying people. Buyer Be Aware of this Act of God definition…the notion that floods and destructive wind comes as an act of god is true, if the god we’re referring to is Satan. It simply falls within the “god” of this fallen world’s other product lines of sickness, disease, deception, drug overdose, terror, and all else that can steal, kill, or destroy us.

Please take a moment to gaze at God’s wondrous product design called our Earth and know He doesn’t need to be slick in His sales pitch.  He wants to restore us, redeem us, recover us, replenish us, and rejoin with us because He loves us.  His hand and presence is so splendid that if we trust His Word, believing He has eternal life at His command, then why would He want or need to bother with tactics like blowing us over or flooding us out?  Insurance companies may find real estate dictionaries to their advantage in paying claims, but our assurance is that the God we follow forgives our sins, and generates an integrity that produces His truth in love.

In closing, let’s be reminded of two things:  God’s pure hope always trumps “pure bologna” and it also creates an opportunity for each of us to point upward and humbly declare, Almighty God, “THERE IT IS…YOU ARE FULL OF WONDER! 

    2 John 1:10; Matt 7:11; John 17:26; Prov 4:26; Ps 24:1; Jer 29:11;