
You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Ex 19:4

Please give this image a closer look.  Perched, as you can see, is a snap shot of an awesome creation.  The story is told where our forefathers, after much debate, chose the eagle over the turkey as our National symbol.  Most would agree that the appropriate bird was selected.  Not that there is anything wrong with turkeys. After all, what would Thanksgiving be without them?

In the midst of all the challenges that face us these days, we are consistently reminded of something special about our land in our associating with such a magnificent creature. Speaking boldly, we do not share the plight of the turkey. We are not imprisoned, fearful of being cooked, or even worse, consumed. We are a people of a different and far more hopeful feather. The eagle is uniquely majestic and an accurate image to pin on those of us who call America home. It soars high above the fray with a deep sense of freedom, power, vision, determination, and endurance.

In a complementing way, a Native American friend of mine, once presented me with a distinct 2″x3″ card entitled THE EAGLE from the St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota.  It says the eagle is a “winged” symbol of the Lakota people… it is the strongest and bravest of all the birds. For this reason, the eagle and its feathers have been chosen as a symbol of what is highest, bravest, strongest, and holiest.

Even more critical than patriotic learning and symbols is discovery and truth. May we share a quick and related reference from the Bible that can comfort and guide us as USA  citizens during these times of political uproar, relentless pressure, and sweeping change. The inspired book points to the non-elected person in whom we must ultimately trust; The highest, bravest, strongest and holiest is Father God.  In Isaiah 40:31, it says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.”

Our prayer this week is for us to confidently fly and move as Isaiah predicted.  Let’s not just appreciate the historic lessons, the times we’re in, or the majestic image; let’s also choose to operate with an eagle-like attitude in our week ahead.  May we rise above the circumstances that will come against us, see beyond our challenges to the finish line, and ride a victorious truth-wave right to week’s end.

Have a blessed flight!

Gen 1:26; Gal 6:9; Prov 3:5-6

Editor’s Note: “Humility causes you to be exalted. Lay down your ego and you’ll fly with the eagles!”