
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Phil 4:13

Boxing is one of those interesting contests.  Neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.  Our political process here in America, especially the Senate/Congressional battles underway, is another contest that resembles boxing in that it can be brutal, there are spectators and participants, and until the votes are counted, no one knows for sure the outcome.

In so many of our political contests (no matter the political party) there are flurries of punches thrown by candidates that look and sound good; upon closer look at the replay, however, the targeted chin of truth was missed entirely.  In one corner, there’s the candidate postured as the one true change agent the electorate needs.  In the other corner is the candidate that we can’t live without.  According to him or her, when we look up the word change in the dictionary, his or her picture is there.

It has taken many years for me to realize that simply demanding, hoping, or working for change is ultimately fruitless.  As magnificent as the human species is designed and as much potential as we seem to have, when all is said and done…. we seem to be one epidemic, natural disaster, or terrorist holocaust away from becoming extinct.  If demanding, hoping, or working our way was the answer, then why are we as people in this great nation in the position of almost being down for the count?

May I add one critical ingredient that is absent from the stance of mere vote-posturing candidates; the one and only combination that will help us get up off the mat and ultimately help us all win.  Please turn with me to Romans 8:28.  It says “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose.” 

Let’s obey the guidelines God has given us in the Spirit of His commandments.  Let’s hope in Him as our present and eternal salvation.  Let’s work as if God’s life in us depended on it.  After all, there is only One true change agent and that is the only One who never changes…God Almighty!  Intensity in the development of our spiritual lives and operating wholesomely in a practical way is the best route we can take.

We need not be a spectator or simple participant.  The White House, House of Representatives or Senate may be waiting for new champions of the people, but Our Father’s House welcomes those of us who have changed by loving Him, hoping in Him, and working for Him by obeying His commands.  By God’s grace, we all can win this fight and live to be better citizens and His elected children.

Remember being knocked down is one thing.  Rallying and getting up in Christ is a whole other story.  In faith, we are more than conquerors because God says so.  Have an awesome week!

Romans 8:37; 1 Timothy 6:12; Deut 7:6