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Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

Even if we are not a football fan, watching at least part of a football game seems impossible to avoid at this time of the year. With the NCAA National Championship recently decided, and the Super Bowl around the corner, channel after channel has a game going or reviewing highlights from some “game of the week.” If I may, I’d like to focus on one aspect of football that I believe (fan or not) we can all identify and understand as critical.

That aspect is what’s called the huddle; the place where the offensive team on the field gets together to determine the next play. On the surface it looks simple…. the quarterback calls the coordinated play and he and the rest of the team break out and follow the order relative to their specific position and assignment. If a gain or touchdown ensues, the only conclusion is…. What a plan, what a play!!! Please bear with me because there’s more to it than what appears, and if we huddle up right, great gain is possible for each of us.

The huddle rules out helter-skelter and what the quarterback knows or senses on his own isn’t enough. Many times the play the quarterback calls comes from a coach on the sidelines; via a set of secret signals. Here’s the cool part….The play the coach calls may originate from an offensive coordinator perched in a high seat in the stadium where the perspective is most comprehensive. In other words, the quarterback on the field, relies on a coach on the sidelines, who in turn relies on the coordinator above with the best perspective to execute the next play.

Just as a quarterback is reliant on others in the huddle, so we must be in our daily play or lives. We can either go it alone and make up our own plays or choose to huddle with the influence of the One who created us and all other things…. including the material used to make footballs, sound booths, vocal chords, and binoculars. Scripture says, “The steps of a righteous man or woman are ordered by the Lord.” This principle, called God’s revelation, is either part of our play book or its not. Righteousness implies that we have a right standing with the One with the Highest perspective and trust in Him to lead us in carrying out our daily play or lives.

Similar to the great football teams, those complete with great coaches, players, fans, and owner, we must team up this week with wise counselors, good friends, encouraging people, and especially God Almighty, our Ultimate Owner. In our life huddle this week, let’s pray, read God’s Word, listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and break out to personal victory and enough encouraging confidence for others in our sphere of influence. From God’s perspective, that’s huddling up, our gain, and His idea for a Touchdown!

Enjoy a winning week!!

Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 55:8-9; Prov 12:15; Isaiah 28:29; Proverbs 15:22; Psalm 143:8