
The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15

With so much information flowing through various media outlets these days, it’s become more difficult to discern the credible voices from the pumps of noise, partial truths, misinformation, and outright foolishness. Is there a credible voice in all this, and in whom and what are we supposed to believe?

Long, long ago, the great Apostle Paul was told that he was not only chosen by God, able to know God’s will for his life, see the Just One and become a living testimony for God’s grace and mercy… but he could also hear God’s voice. (Acts 22:14-15). If God never changes and is not a respecter of persons, then you and I have the potential for the same pure Godly communication.

Simply hearing words and or noises is one level of functioning. We are also equipped by our Creator to function beyond our natural ears. By setting our hearts on what His Spirit says and by what is confirmed in His Word, God’s voice becomes very clear. Jesus, the great shepherd, declared His sheep hear His voice; and He certainly wasn’t addressing an earless audience when He said, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matt 11:15)

We are never alone because the Holy Spirit is always with us. He teaches us all things and brings to our remembrance things we’ve previously heard Him say to us. Scripture says we are able to have a conversation (pray) with God. Building our personal relationship with God helps us to hear Him and understand His will and plan for our lives.

What Paul shared still stands in God’s truth and timeless influence. What we say matters too. We must discipline ourselves to speak faith-filled words because God is not interested in our human vocabulary or emotions. He is focused on hearing how much we believe and trust in Him to carry out His purpose for our lives.

We so appreciate that God knows everything. Therefore, we determine to ask Him for direction everyday. The leadership of God is our awesome privilege and a blessing we must gratefully choose not to ignore. The real issues of life, both for Paul and for us today, are found in our heart. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit; and because we no longer operate under spiritual deafness, we are blessed to be liberated through obedience to His trustworthy voice.

Family and friends, in precious faith, our God is better than any special report, TV news alert, radio broadcast, satellite transmission, or high tech cell phone. He’s free, He never misses a call, and He is always available and true. What a God we serve! If we simply set our spiritual ears to listen, then we’ll hear Him speak back to us in the clarity of love!

Rom 10:17; John 14:26; 1 John 5:14; Gal 3:5; Psalm 143:8; Prov 4:23; Heb 13:5b

** Inspired by 35 Days of Spiritual Personal Training, Rock Church & World Outreach Center (07)