Upside Down

“And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, ….” Rom 12:2

I was reviewing a sermon my Pastor shared a time ago, entitled, “The Upside Down Kingdom.” He compared, with great insight, several differences between the operating system of our corrupted world system and God’s Kingdom. Getting to the top vs. becoming a servant, acting sophisticated vs. child-like, and self-centered vs. God-centered were among his contrasts. In today’s message, may we complement my Pastor’s 180 degree difference in kingdoms with what’s written below.

Although the authorship of the following piece is unknown, I can attest to the fact that this is how I thought and felt before the Spirit of God (Jesus Christ) opened my eyes, changed my heart, renewed my mind, and reversed my thinking. Tragically, far too many can relate:

God does not exist
It is foolish to think
That there is an all knowing God with a cosmic plan
That an all powerful God brings purpose to the pain and suffering in the world
Is a comforting thought, however, is only wishful thinking.
People can do as they please without eternal consequences
The idea that
I am deserving of hell
Because of sin
Is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power.
The more you have, the happier you will be
Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose
In a world with no God
There is freedom to be who I want to be
But with God
Life is an endless cycle of guilt and shame
Without God
Everything is fine
It is ridiculous to think
I am lost and in need of saving

Now, do just the opposite. Try reading the above in reverse, sentence by sentence, starting with the last line — I am lost and in need of saving. You’ll see what I mean and hopefully believe that “Getting Right Side Up.” is the way to go. Truly, our God is awesome…

John 18:36; Matt 6:10; Heb 12:28; 2 Peter 1:11