
The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Prov 18:10

There are very few guarantees in life. One that comes to mind is a life full of outrage and physical punishment if we went around deliberately calling people’s moms degrading names. There’s little argument among us about mothers holding positions of honor that merit defense and protection at almost any cost. The same can be said for countless dads. When you get right down to it, the debasing or lessening of anyone’s name—especially when it is aimed at those we most esteem—is cause for our guard to be raised.

So this begs the question: how many of us approach the name of God with the same resolve? Isn’t He our ultimate eternal parent, with the perfected attributes of both our earthy mothers and fathers? Isn’t the One who created us and gave us life deserving of the highest defense and protection? The Bible says that the name of Jesus (God) is exalted above all names and in His name we are to pray. The practice of slighting such a worthy name speaks to the very sin Jesus came to conquer. His name is great and greatly to be praised because it is the absolute standard for truth, godly love, liberty, and righteous authority. Such attributes are deserving of the utmost respect. Starting now, let’s make the third commandment (Thou shalt not take my name in vain) our priority to honor the Lord God by defending and protecting His Holy Name.

In practical review, The Ten Commandments are God’s love note to His chosen (yet hard-hearted) people.  After answering their cry for deliverance from their bondage and deserving full credit, His first commandment was for them to rank Him first; the second commandment was for them not to worship powerless idols made from His creation; and the third was not to drag His name in the mud.  I ask each of us, “Does this sound like some unreasonable ogre to be feared, or pure truth to be reverenced with a wholesome fear blended with appreciation and love?”

Let’s stay rooted and grounded in Scripture and access His longing to be present in our lives. The love of His nature allows us to know Him and inspires us to willingly follow Him to develop as a more wholesome person, position us for anointed assignments in His Kingdom of Light, and fueling us in the power of His Holy Spirit. In that, there’s His glory and no room for us to take our God’s name in vain.

Ex 20: 7; Rom 10:9-13; Psalm 72:17; Acts 2:21