Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Col 3: 22-23

My goal in this short series of messages is to shine a light on one of God’s preferred four letter words, WORK, and challenge us (particularly myself) in doing so.  Let’s see more clearly how vital (rather than burdensome) work can be and how it offers a more wholesome perspective we all need.  Too many of us (especially those like me in these retirement-luring years) seem to be ignorant of, passively ignore, or aggressively reject the essential benefits of work. 

Work is not synonymous with a job.  A job is interested in drawing a paycheck, watching the clock, and heading home. Work is the secret treasure necessary for a fertile life. It is the inner storehouse that God designed to draw on our potential to be helpfully and hopefully productive.  Within that store-house, our Creator has placed the abilities, talents, energies, and opportunities for us to meet and overcome life’s challenges. Work is the energy or currency that God deposits in us so we can personally succeed in being, doing, and knowing what’s necessary to gainfully mature; all the while simultaneously serving others honestly and pleasing and glorifying Him.

It’s interesting that the first commandment man (Adam) was given was to tend, guard, and keep the garden (Gen 2:4-7).  In other words, “Get to work, Junior!”  Everything the Creator had placed in Adam was contingent upon his exercising his untapped reservoir of inner attributes necessary to accomplish the work God commanded.  Let’s also remember that God’s commandments are loving guides designed to be obeyed for holy fruitfulness, not mere suggestions to consider or reject.  He is a God of continuous action.  He may have rested on the seventh day of creation, but full retirement was never part of His deal.

On a personal note, I’ve never argued against work being a part of my nature.  Beyond scores of part time jobs, including some as a volunteer, I worked mainly as a Special Needs Teacher for 30 years, and  simultaneously functioned as a Real Estate Broker as well.  At 73 years of age, I really thought it was time for me to retire from all of it like so many others my age choose to do.  But wait!  There is a new “refirement” going on in me and I’m impressed to return to my Real Estate career with a heightened vigor.  Not to be dramatic, but it feels like I’m being led and on some sort of a divine mission!  

Family and friends, we need a renewed mind to desire and appreciate work, no matter at what age.  We deprive ourselves of true development, deployment, and employment if we don’t!  For me, that secret treasure called work is still alive and bubbling and I encourage others to detect their inner treasure as well.  I see my purpose remaining the same: doing the best I can to glorify God in all that I do.  Within that purpose, my new and exciting assignment as a Fairhaven, MA broker/agent with Rose Homes Real Estate and LAER Realty Partners will unfold in days ahead as I do what I do best  – work in serving future home Sellers and Buyers with joy and integrity.  To be continued…

1 Cor10:31; 1 Cor 16:14 Proverbs 10:22; Nehemiah 4:6; 2 Cor 9:8 Psalm 90:17; Proverbs 16:3