Just over three months ago, Saturday, June 29, 2019, was our 55th Fairhaven High School Class Reunion.  During our open mike time, I had planned to tell a joke, say a few encouraging things to my classmates, and conclude by offering everyone who wanted one – a printed Christian Tract that I believed was relevant to our gathering.  Sometimes even the best plans are never executed and this plan of mine provides an example.  The printer had a glitch with his equipment and the material I had planned to share wasn’t ready in time.  So — my agenda during our open mike session went to a silent mode instead.

Fortunately, delay doesn’t necessarily mean denial.  During open mike time, Tom Cabral, our funny, animated, and passionate class member got up and entertained the crowd and ended with perhaps the most profound statement of the evening.  He said when he was finished, he was going around to every table and shake hands with everyone, because (like 37 deceased class mates before us) he wasn’t sure if he’d be around for our next reunion.  Funny in a way – but realistic and sobering as well.  Only Tom, in his inimitable way, could help us face the fact that we are all destined to die one day.  So my friends, I thank Tom for inadvertently setting the stage for my late, but finally printed tracts.  Below, in long form, is my Message of Hope I had planned to share.  If you would like this in tract size, please e-mail or in-box me your address and I’d be honored to send you one like this.


Class reunions are in a class by themselves.  For me, our upcoming 55th High School reunion is no exception.  There is the excitement of seeing people I haven’t seen and the anticipated disappointment of remembering the life of those who have died and are no longer with us.

On the surface, the sweet and bitter nature of my class gathering is one of the true gauges that life on Earth is moving along very quickly, whether we approve it or not.  None of us is big deal enough, even if we were voted as some class superlative, to get a pass from the inevitable fact that one day we will die and be physically absent from the next planned class gathering.  That said, I have every intention to take advantage of this upcoming opportunity; to celebrate the past, present, and future with those of us who come together on Saturday, June 29, 2019 as 1964 graduates of Fairhaven High School.

By the way, speaking of superlatives, I was voted Best School Spirited as a senior and take that honor seriously to this very writing.

Apparently, not a “kill joy” then and not one now, let me offer to my special friends, classmates, and others the hope the Bible offers as a choice we can make to ensure a Reunion with our Creator – no matter when we take our last breath.  According to God’s Word, we all have an appointed time to die and then there is a judgement. We have a choice to make, by faith, regarding going to Heaven (The Sweetest Reunion) or being separated from God by going to hell (The Most Bitter One).

God offers a never-ending Family or Class Reunion with His Loving Good News.  It’s our will and choice to approve it or not.  Please join with me and get right with the Superintendent of superintendents, Principal of principals, and The Class of all classmates. 

Carpe Diem, my friends.  Seize this day and recite the following prayer in earnest and God promises we’ll meet again.  In fact, and by God’s way, Jesus Christ is The Superlative of superlatives, Senior of seniors, and by His divine nature, The Best School Spirited. 

Salvation Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Your Son, Jesus.  Thank You for sending Him to die for my sins, an incredible act of love performed just for me.  I am sorry for sinning against You.  I believe You are a forgiving God, as Your Word says, and that You forgive me of all of my sins.  I believe You raised Jesus from the grave, overcoming death, and allowing me to accept Him and receive eternal life through Him.  Jesus, please come and reside in my heart and be my Savior and Lord.  Amen.