
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.  Prov 3:5-6

Can you imagine God scratching His head wondering why He ordered the Ten Commandments the way He did?  If we believe the God of Creation is all knowing, ever present, all powerful and unchangingly perfect and holy, then the second Commandment belongs second.  His first Commandment we learned last week is “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  Let’s take an in-depth look this week at adding # 2 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”

In the old Testament, when Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, he was immediately exposed to what God was warning about in His second Commandment. There, in Moses’ 40 day absence, in all its splendor was a golden bull that the people had crafted and chose to worship as their god. It must have looked and felt good.  Even with their best intention, the problem was it was a false idol made of earthly resources by people for people; the source, God Himself, was ignored.

As a youngster I attended a religious school and church that portrayed many statues. Please note, there is nothing inherently wrong with a statue as a representation.  The most significant statue I remember was of Jesus Christ hanging on a cross.  My childish focus trained me to gaze upon a perfectly crafted cross and a drooped man nailed to it. What I desperately missed in those days and too many subsequent years was the essential relationship that must be struck with the Spirit behind the rendition of Jesus Christ’s passion.  As a result, I reaped what was sown— a Spiritless, unforgiving religion based on an idol with no real power to change me for the better.

The Bible says that God is a jealous God. In human terms that sounds petty and selfish.  From God’s perspective, it’s right on!  Based upon His flawlessness and proven performance, He justifyingly expects His chosen ones to put no other gods before Him and to absolutely refrain from idolatry. Discerning golden calves, statues, and religious jewelry is one level. Idols also come in more subtle forms. What about our money, jobs, family, ideas, muscles, desires, education, fame, political power, the earth, feelings or whatever we may selfishly trust as our primary source?

According to Scripture, God is spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn 23-24). Jesus also said that the pure in heart would see God (Matt 5:8).  Let’s come to God this week with a pure and truthful heart and purpose to do what He alone wills for our lives. God is worthy and deserves our personal trust and reverence. Let’s start today….One Commandment at a time. Please give careful thought to the first two testimonies God is giving us:

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Have a great week, and know that God is a rewarder of those of us who diligently seek Him.

Exodus 20:4