
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14

The opportunity to share a word of encouragement with family and friends is an awesome privilege. With the excitement of the Summer Olympic Games and the Rio de Janeiro Marathon, known as the “Marvelous-City-Marathon”, fresh in our memory, our purpose is to encourage us for the week ahead by pulling the trigger on a special hopeful starting gun.

In a way, what we’re facing this week is like being an Olympic marathon runner. The event we’ll be participating in is called life. Whether we like it or not, there will be sweat, thirst, heartbreak hills and side stitches. The challenge, changing circumstances, applause, and the final kick to the finish line is the other part to our whole week.  In spite of what we know are the parts of the race, our focus must be on the prize which is a level of victory.  Just know that we’re cranking up for the week’s race and there is a level of victory in store for us all.

There are so many stand-out marathon stories.  Ninety year olds, the police officer with a prosthesis, cancer survivors, the wheel chair champions, the mother and daughter teams.  The list goes on and on.  What determination and perseverance these people display!  They all have one major thing in common.  Before we announce what that is, let us share what it isn’t.

It isn’t any of the ones who started out and quit along the way.  It isn’t any of the ones who faked an injury so it looked like it wasn’t their fault for giving up.  What about Rosie Ruiz?  Remember her? She’s the one who was honored as the winner of the Boston Marathon – except for one small hitch.  She started at the 20 mile mark and made believe she was a champion. The ones we highlighted previously are the real deals – the ones that persevere to the end — no matter what!

So dear family and friends, we’re about to start the race.  Get ready, my wife Cynthia has the starting gun and… hold it!!!!!!!  She’s pointing it at me (only kidding – just checking to see if you are actually reading this).  Seriously, she’s ready to fire away for us to get going in our hopeful run this week.  Oh, I almost forgot. Here’ the nitty gritty truth about our run.  It’s not only how we start that matters.  It’s how we finish that counts.  As you sweat, thirst, pain, stitch, and even cry, stay determined to stick to your run, listen to the hopeful applause, and don’t quit.

In faith, if we’re faced with any sort of overwhelming race, we like to get our primary wind from the Ultimate Source of Strength through prayer.  Join us if you feel you need an extra lift also.

Father in Heaven,

You are noted as the Author and Finisher of all creation.  In a mighty way, that makes You the Master of all marathon runners.  Please be with us this week as we run our race.  Give us Your direction, power, perseverance, and encouragement to finish our course.  Father, please bring a special blessing to our family and friends.  We believe You have assembled  a unique and determined group of relatives and friends that You personally want to see succeed. Help those of us who have doubts or reservations of Your presence to know You are God; caring, hopeful, and real.  For our family and friends and in Jesus name, we pray.  Amen.

 See you at the winner’s platform!

 1 Cor 9:24-27; Heb 12:1-2; Phil 2:16; 2 Tim 4:7