Wonderful Life

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let your heart not be troubled …” (John 14:27)

The 1946 film entitled “It’s a Wonderful Life,” starring James Stuart and Donna Reed, has become traditional viewing for my wife and I during the Christmas season. George Bailey, played by James Stuart, gives up his dreams in order to help others. Thoughts of suicide on Christmas eve bring about the intervention of his guardian angel, who shows George all the lives he has touched and how different life in his community would be had he never been born.

In today’s message and in the Spirit of this particular Christmas, we’d like to share a “coincidence,” and challenge you with a few “Wonder-full” questions. Let’s start with the coincidence:

Last Saturday we were invited to a house party of a good friend who lives in North Dartmouth, MA; owner of a commercial printing company and active as a leader in a local ministry called Mobile Loaves and Fishes. The friend’s name is—who would have guessed?—George Bailey! This good man George has also touched many lives and is quick to declare that he too lives a wonderful life (with this qualifier—in Christ)!

Now for our “Wonder-full” questions:

1. Have you ever honestly compared man’s best firework displays with the indescribable and wonder-full nightly “star show” in the sky?

2. Have you ever wondered who is wonder-full and creative enough to gift us with an imagination?

3. Do you wonder if a wonderful life is possible without a wonder-full life giver?

Inside all of us, God has placed an appetite that hungers and thirsts for truth and for knowing Him as that wonder-full Truth. Unfortunately, many of us end up satisfied by counterfeit sources that distract us from ever opening ourselves to God’s Majesty. God said we are wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), He is called the Wonderful Counselor (Is 9:6), and the wonder of His creation speaks to us daily of His presence (Rom 1:20). Any problems that come while we obey the true living God (and there will be many), we can delight knowing He cares and He’ll be there to help us solve them.

The movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” with James Stuart (George Bailey) and Donna Reed will probably remain as a Christmas classic. What will remain steadfast forever is that it’s a wonderful life in Christ. Just ask my faithful printer friend, George Bailey. He’ll gladly share that it is Christ inside who helps us to live, move, and have our being, the reason for the season, and the only One Who truly qualifies as… Wonder-full!

Psalm 136; Psalm 96; Psalm 75:1; Job 42:3; John 14:6