
The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly. John 10:10

I have been attending a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship luncheon in the Providence area for a number of years. Each time, I’ve experienced a tasty and fulfilling meal as well as the eternal nutrition offered through testimonies of how God has positively affected lives in the power of His Holy Spirit.

May I share a slice of what I mean regarding the spiritual food component. As part of one session, a gentleman rose to the podium to read from his daily journal; something he had just written directly to God. After I heard his heart-felt words, I asked him to share them with me via an e-mail. He sent the following to me as it was written and read by him. As you read what he shared, may his desire for you to be blessed be sweetly fulfilled.

Dear Steve,

I hope this blesses you and the others with whom you wish to share it……….

Only in you, Lord, can one find the pathway to eternal life.

Only in you, Lord, can one find that peace and contentment that will fully satisfy the human heart.

Only through the persuasive power and work of the Holy Spirit, can one grow in Christ-like character and conduct and have his heart completely changed.

Only through your indwelling presence, Lord, can one’s will and purpose for living be conformed to your own.

Only in you, Lord, can man become the person you created him to be.

Only in you, Lord, can one experience victory over the hardships, sorrows, and sufferings of his life.

Only in you, Lord, does one become willing to love even the unloveable.

Only in you, Lord, can one feel the wonder of a joy that truly does pass all understanding.

Only in you, Lord, does life become fully complete.

God bless! Dave

1 Thes 5:23; Phil 4:13; Rom 8:28; Gal 2:20; Phil 1:6