What Counts

Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

What Jesus Christ did for us at the cross is astounding. Let’s go there for a moment and observe His timing, grace and mercy in action.

A grand and telling scene was set when three crucifixes marked the mount at Calvary. There was the Son and Lamb of God hung between two opposing souls. While both of the lesser figures were guilty as charged for their previous crimes, the Lord was blameless on all accounts. The very purpose of Jesus expressed itself when one thief decided to rebuke the King of kings and the other exhibited a heart cry for forgiveness. The disrespect of the hardened thief proved fully productive to lasting death, while the humility of his counterpart resulted in the greatest gift any man could receive—the promise of personal eternal life. Of course, the rest is His story.

Jesus willfully died on that cross to become the only redemption of sin. There is no greater spiritual example of justice, love, and fulfillment of God’s perfect will. In every sense, Jesus Christ faithfully lived the essence of His Word. It’s something of matchless beauty and worthy of our best effort to emulate and pursue.

Family and friends, it doesn’t matter who we are, from where we came, what we have done, or how old we might be to repent and get right with God. What does matter is our choice to do it now rather than later because our next breath is never guaranteed. It has been said that the ground beneath the cross is level for all concerned. That is some great news! We can’t be too good to earn our way or too nasty to be denied. What really counts is opening our heart to personally encounter the timing, grace and mercy of Almighty God !

Luke 23: 39-43