Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Cor 3:16
When a carpenter builds a house, the house builds the carpenter too. Along with the obvious construction of the building, there is a payback to the carpenter for his or her diligent efforts. Measuring, visualizing, strength, time management, physical coordination, cooperation, accountability and financial responsibility are just a sample of the ways a carpenter can grow from experience and laboring relationship. At the other extreme, cutting corners in responsibility and accountability and lacking integrity in the building materials used by the same carpenter would negatively affect their character building as well.
When we qualify in our mind as a rugged individual or strong willed type, then the choices we make become simple. If we build a house, a personal relationship, or bank account, then we just do it in our own perfection; payback, of course …… always guaranteed! If on the other hand, we have a sense of doubt about our ability to go it alone or create anything with perfect results, then please consider this….
If we are able to admit that we are part of creation and not the Creator, then being open to the possibility that we are God’s workmanship (Spiritual buildings) must follow. Scripture (The Creator’s Word) provides two statements that serve as hopeful blueprints we can access this week. In Psalm 127:1 it says. “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. In Romans 8:28, it complements with,”We know that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose.”
What’s been stirring in me and what I crave to share with you today is this: I have joyful resolution to a personal debate that I’ve had with myself for over four decades. For that time frame, I believed in myself and yes, labored totally in vain. I was a rugged and strong willed individual; a creation deceived, righteously self-appointed, and living in denial of the Creator.
Go it alone, or place God’s blueprints in the inner tool box of our heart is our choice. God has revealed the potential and peace in His promise to build me and my character as His personal project. It allows me to clearly focus and motivates me enough to pray His hopeful promise splashes on you, yes you, too. Let’s trust Him as our builder. We’ll stand strong if we do!!
Prov 3:5&6; 1 Cor 6:19