Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Prov 3:5-6
The Book of Ephesians is so rich! Every time I read any of the chapters, new insights abound. In today’s message, we’ll take a quick look at this book from a coach’s perspective and discover a formula for a successful individual or team performance.
The first chapter declares that we are privileged to become part of the body of Christ, His church, or “team.” In a similar way, a person agrees to take advantage of resources already prepared to become a golfer, archer, or play as a participant in a team sport.
The second chapter talks about being united in the body of Christ. In a similar way, a successful individual or team performer must be united in purpose. Double mindedness or division among the ranks is a sure way of draining energy and spoiling the vital focus to prevail as a winner.
The third chapter declares that the purpose of our being part of Christ’s body and to be united in our connection is to glorify God. The worldly parallel would be for the individual or team (heavyweight fighter, Yankees, Patriots, etc.) to be hailed as boxing’s, baseball’s, or football’s best and be glorified as #1.
The fourth chapter speaks of preparation necessary to do the work of the ministry. This is the first mention of personal responsibility and accountability in becoming Christ-like. In a secular sense, these would be the prerequisites of what it really takes to become a functioning champion of the sporting activity in question.
The fifth chapter focuses on relationships and the guidelines for those to prosper. Inner family truths are outlined as for marriages, parenting, and business associations. In the athletic and world system, people skills and their varying dimensions are always part of the critical journey.
The sixth chapter talks about armoring up or putting on the uniform, as would a bowler or a basketball player appropriately dressing for their event. In the sacred sense, we are to put on Christ to be an overcomer. The helmet of salvation, boots of peace, a shield of faith, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and the sword of the Spirit make up the uniform. Prayer follows and is mentioned as most vital. This is where the power comes in that by faith the plays are directed by the Coach Above who knows everything.
The significant difference between God’s formula for victory and man’s gleaning of it for secular purposes is in the critical substance and destiny. One is for a goal, a good shot, a trophy, or bragging rights for the here and now. The One that matters is to hear God say, “Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant”; that’s the one that plays on forever!
Book of Ephesians