
Romans 8:32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?

Someone sent me this statement, “What you are is God’s gift to you; what you become is your gift to God.”  At first, it was like any other series of words, until my conscience nudged me to think more deeply on its meaning and direction…

If we believe our trillion plus cell organism came into being by accident, through a big bang, or as a result of “favorable conditions” within the primordial soup of evolutionary doctrine, then the notion of gifts coming and going to God is simply foolishness.  If, on the other hand, God made man in His image–with potential and a purpose to please Him–then what an incredible opportunity we all possess! Have we ever seriously considered that our responsibility and accountability are divinely generated?

With an accidental beginning, all things are inherently out of control; no matter what transpires….it shouldn’t matter or be a surprise.  The bumper sticker that proclaims WHATEVER! covers this theory well.  Conversely, with faith in a Holy Almighty Creator, all things are inherently in His control.  The Bible declares that man is presented overwhelming evidence to the truth of supernatural design by what can be observed within the creation itself as well as the conscience that accompanies him from birth (Romans 1:19-20).  Just as an aside, when was the last time you ever observed a primate say “I’m sorry” or hold court for a sociopathic banana-stealing chimp?

To help focus on how to please God by developing as His gift, may I suggest an approach.  If we are open to regarding the Bible as God’s “owner’s manual” for man, then it would behoove us to know its content or promises.  If we know the promises, then we can pray or communicate with God relative to His promises.  If we believe that God is real and will respond to our prayer based on His promises, then we can tap into His power that transcends all natural energy sources.  Finally, if we pray in line to God’s will or promises, and He has the power to respond to us, then there would be ultimate proof that He really exists by the changes in our lives or circumstances.

Have we ever given an accidental gift to somebody by accident?  Of course not!! Fortunately, God is not like that with us, either.  He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die specifically for us as His greatest gift, and there’s even more…. So if we care to Please Him at this point and beyond, then…

Know His Promises,
Pray in line to His promises,
Tap into His Power,
And Look for His Proof.

Let’s crave to grow and develop as God’s pleasing gift.  We are not the hopeless embodiment of a Whatever! life philosophy.  Our destiny is to one day face the One who gifted us with life–the only One capable of heralding eternity. His words to those who appreciate and build upon what they have been especially given… “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!”

Matt 25:23; 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 64:8; Jer 1:4-5; 1 Peter 4:10-11; Ps 139:13-14; Eph 1:11