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Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself. 1 Cor 6:19

During my college days I can remember a funny scenario that helps set the stage for today’s more serious message.  There was a friendly sort of guy who worked as an employee in the school cafeteria.  My habit of going there three times a day brought us in contact on numerous occasions.  After a period of time, his friendliness grew to acknowledging me by name.  The only problem was he called me Larry instead of by the name my parents gave me—Steven.

No right thinking person wants to have their identity confused.  The Bible says that God, is the Great Parent of all who accept Him and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus.  He has named us His way and no matter what anyone calls us or says about us, we belong to Him and what He says is what counts.  Recently, listening to Music for Kids CD, one of the songs entitled Who He Says I Am by Jeff Slaughter struck home the point:

I am who the great

I AM says I am

I am one of His

greatest creations


He says that I am remarkably,

Wonderfully made

and I am who

He says I am


He says I am made

In His image

He says I am one

of His children


He says I’m His friend

and He loves me so

I give Him all of my

praise ’cause I know


I am who the great

I AM says I am.


No matter what

anyone says about me

God says I am who

He made me to be


He says that I am remarkably,

Wonderfully made

and I am who

He says I am!

Family and friends, by His grace, we belong to and have a good, good Father.  That’s who He is.  We are loved by Him and that’s whose we are!  Let’s celebrate our family identity together!

Psalm 119:14