“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfils His purpose for me. Psalm 57:2
I never imagined how visiting National Parks in the United States would become a mission field and a major focus of my later life’s purpose. It started several years ago when I went along with my wife’s dream of acting out what Dinah Shore used to sing in a catchy commercial – “See the USA in a Chevrolet.” Initially, I tolerated Cynthia’s passion to visit interesting places in our Nation. Recruiting me as a travel partner was at best getting a form of a tag-along. Well, after visiting 29 of our country’s 63 National Parks and witnessing her excellent lead and unwavering commitment, I finally woke up to something altogether different. My attitude and perspective has dramatically changed… Here’s why…
My wife’s efforts and skill in coordinating our special trips has resulted in a virtual feast of sights, from the Grand Canyon, the Everglades, Carlsbad Caverns, Yellowstone, and Yosemite to many equally impressive wonders. There’s no question every experience has been both humbling and greatly appreciated. So here’s the rub… I began to realize that it’s one thing to stand in awe of the park, it’s quite another to fully acknowledge the genius of the One who created these magnificent spaces. With kudos going out to the naturalists who generated the interest and persevered in the process of establishing and protecting these sensational sites, I’ve awakened to what I believe is a much deeper form of praise. It is God who deserves to be celebrated and recognized for His playground innovations—designed especially for us to enjoy and create a heightened sense of marvel that leaves no question to His astounding glory.
This has ignited a fresh perspective for every adventure to follow. I like to think of it as our National Park Mission Trips. Where I once was ho-hum and a mere tag-along conditioned to rely only on my five senses, I now (with Holy Spirit oversight) will operate in a ready, willing, and able partnership, complete with open eyes of gratefulness and faith. Of course, our senses will still be in play, but Cynthia and I will also bring hearts that are ready to share the greatest news of all.
So family and friends, our collective motive in visiting future National Parks has taken a lively turn. I’m no longer ho-hum or a mere tag-along. From here on out, we’ll set off as disciples of Jesus Christ, going into the highways and byways as a matter of obedience–to appreciate all that God has done and to introduce what He has for those He’ll be sending our way. With this perspective lighting the path, I look to my awesome wife and ask, “Where to, my love?”
Mark 16:15;1John 1:7;1 Cor 10:31;Romans 1:20; Mark 6:7; Psalm 145:18; Eph 5:14; Prov 16:4
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Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackSome see a sight & marvel, while others see it and believe.
Peter, at first glance of the empty tomb, marveled or wondered, but John, at his first glance, believed!
But Peter arose & ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves; & he departed, marveling to himself at what had happened. Luke 24:12
Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first, went in also; and he saw and believed. John 20:8
Having recently returned from Aruba I share your sense of awe in God’s beautiful creation. (I also experience it lately while walking my dog and encountering, ducks, heron, swans, geese, turkeys and even deer. Even the different songs of the many various birds, not to mention the colors God painted them.) The sound of the wind (Ruach-Hebrew, Pneuma-Greek) in the treetops only adds to the experience.
In Awe of Him,