
In your personal family tree, who reigns as your ultimate parent?

Oxymorons are fun.  How can you say “jumbo shrimp,” “taped live,” “tax return,” “cold sweat,” or “alone together” and not snicker, at least a little? These words have an inherent contrast in them that we use regularly in our modern manner of speech.  Today’s Message of Hope focuses on another apparent wording contrast. In a day when cultural influence is aggressively “hell-bent” to abandon absolute for relative truth, it is our intention that eyes and hearts be opened with God’s notion of “Absolute Relative-ity.”

Jesus Christ’s ministry on earth is the topic in question. When He declared that He was the truth, all approaches to define “truth” either absolutely ended or He wasn’t who He said He was. When He taught the disciples to pray with “Our Father” as the opening words, He was either ushering in a heavenly family unit or He was absolutely delusional. Either Jesus was the Son Father God sent to save us from our sinful characteristics or He absolutely was not.

Since man’s fall from the Garden of Eden, God’s agenda has been to restore and reconcile mankind back to Him. In that purposeful context, we are either with Him or not.  Being the sovereign and absolute ruler of all, it follows that to be with Him or related to Him is to be absolutely related; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

As a matter of literary interest, the prefix “oxy” can refer to the presence of oxygen in a compound or denotes a relationship to acid. The dictionary definition of the word “moron” describes a dimwitted or stupid person.  As a matter of Biblical revelation, our willing and repentant heart brings the presence of the Holy Spirit or the oxygen required for divine life.  A true relationship with the One who heals and brings wholeness invades our corroding soul and begins restoration. Finally, in God’s absolute loving dictionary or Bible, there are no dimwitted or stupid person characterizations-just opportunities for all of us to become the “Absolute Relative” He so desires!

Family and friends, let’s thank God for being our most amazing and cherished connection.  After all, it’s not everyday that the fun in an “oxymoron” can trigger a celebration of our heavenly family heritage!

John Chapter 3