But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

One of the more outstanding moments in my life occurred nearly 25 years ago.  My late and wonderful neighbor, Pastor Mary Walsh, walked across our yard, strode up the steps of our deck, and sat down next to me on one of our lounge chairs. It was always nice to be in contact with Pastor Mary because she inevitably generated a grown-up confidence and a lively and contagious hope.  Her company was always welcomed.  This time was no different, except for the profound influence of our ensuing conversation: It was awesome, but nothing I expected. 

After our usual pleasantries, Pastor Mary swung in a different direction and asked me this interesting and unusual question:  She said, “Are you open for growth?”  Because of her track record of trust and investing in my life and the fact she was by far my favorite neighbor, I quickly told her, YES, I was. Then, in truth and in love, she let me have it.  She told me, that I seemed to be on the arrogant side, and she wondered if I had given up being teachable.  In other words, she was concerned about my walk as a Christian.  YIKES! 

So here I was, a new believer of about two years, thinking I was flying high and pleasing God with all of my being.  I thought if I was a sail boat, I’d be a lead in a regatta, in full sail with the wind at my back.  Instead, her honest observation sucked the wind away and left me bobbing in a doldrum.  In reality, I knew she cared about me and the condition of my soul, and what she was telling me was the truth.  What an incredible wake -up!

So friends, some times we don’t know what we don’t know and that can be very perilous.  I will be forever grateful to Pastor Mary Walsh for effectively caring about me and my destiny with her simple, yet wisdom-ladened question that we all may face answering – Are you open for growth?

1 Timothy 4:15; Philippians 1:9;Rom 5:2-6; Job 8:7; Hebrews 5:12-14; Matthew 6:33;Gal 6:9