When His disciples asked Jesus how to pray, His first two words were… “Our Father…”

Theodore Cuyler describes hope as the flower of desire.  He writes, “There is no happiness which hope cannot surmount, no grief which it cannot mitigate. It is the wealth of the homeless, the health of the sick, the freedom of the captive, and the rest of the laborer.” As passionate and wonderful as these overcoming exchanges seem, there is another inspiration that we would like to share this week that is even more amazing and foundational.

If you have a Bible, please look in 2 Corinthians 6:18. It says, “I will be your father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” Can you imagine anything more hopeful than to hear and receive the spiritual truth of what God is saying to us in this scripture? In effect…

  • He is saying to those of us fortunate to have great biological or legal fathers, that He is the potential to be their Father too.
  • He is saying to those of us mourning the death of a parent, that He is available to us as our comforting Father.
  • He is saying to those of us who do not even know our biological father, that He is the Source to supply all our needs as Father and Dad. 
  • He is saying to those of us who doubt eternity, that He is our hope of glory to be with as our forever Father in Heaven.
  • He is saying to those of us with illnesses or afflictions that He is our Father of everlasting wholesomeness and restoration.
  • He is saying to those of us seeking liberation from bondage, that He is our way, our truth, our life, and Father of real rescue.
  • He is saying to those of us who are weary or somehow trying to work our way into His family, that He, as our Father, brings us forgiveness, rest, and salvation through His Son, Jesus.

The Bible says, if we delight in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). May the flower of hope that blooms from deep within us be planted and rooted in what God’s Word says. May we all become personal, focused, motivated, and hopeful to truly and openly receive God’s amazing promise to Father us. If we are to be about His business this week and beyond, it is simply a must!

Family and friends, HE is I AM THAT I AM.  Whatever we need, HE IS that!! May His parenting grace, peace, and presence be ours today, this week, and forever!!

John 14:18; Isaiah 61:3; Prov 311-12;Phil 4:20;John 10:28-30